Pull Your Team Forward – Lead by Example


leader and team2As a leader do you ask more of your team than you are willing to give?  Are you pushing people to take on new tasks, work longer hours or accept change?  If so, how are you approaching these same situations?  The best leaders will do more, go further and embrace change quicker than their team.  They lead by example.

Most of us are in a situation where things are constantly changing.  We find it uncomfortable and disconcerting.  These situations cause us to want to play it safe and stay in the familiar routines we know well, even when we hate them.  However, moving forward means going into the unknown and doing new things.  If you, as a leader, acknowledge the discomfort of change and then change anyway people will follow you.

Here are five tips for keeping your team moving forward:

  1. Acknowledge the fear and pain caused by change.
  2. Listen…

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